by DS Kennedy | Nov 29, 2011 | Core Health Insurance, General, Health Insurance News
Assignable Benefit – A way or method an insurance plan is designed to pay benefits. Â Assignable benefits pay directly to the doctor or hospital rather than directly to you. Â This is the most desirable method of payment since it eliminates the need for you to...
by DS Kennedy | Nov 7, 2011 | Core Health Insurance, General, Key Product
After you’ve enrolled in a SASid insurance plan, take advantage of what your customer login account has to offer: [check_list] View/Print Plan Documents Make Payments View Claim Status and EOBs [/check_list] [fancy_header]Step One: Login[/fancy_header] The...
by DS Kennedy | Oct 12, 2011 | General
Our experience indicates that members who understand their plans retain them longer. With a good understanding of each benefit you’ll be able to maximize value while minimizing your out-of-pocket costs. Something as common as a broken leg or bad strain of the flu...
by DS Kennedy | Jun 21, 2011 | Core Health Insurance, General, Key Product, Our Product
Our experience indicates that members who understand their plans retain them longer. With a good understanding of each benefit you’ll be able to maximize value while minimizing your out-of-pocket costs. The Core Health plan you selected has a doctor office...
by DS Kennedy | Jun 1, 2011 | Core Health Insurance, General, Our Product, Producers
With the one year anniversary of the Core Health redesign just around the corner, what better way to celebrate than by releasing a significant plan upgrade?  We’ve spent the last twelve months bringing these plans to our distribution partners and have sparked an...