Part Two: Health AND Voluntary Benefit Options in ONE Â Online Marketplace.
You heard right. This allowance of Benefit Credits is meant for this one marketplace. Employees will be able to shop for their voluntary options as well as their health plan all in  one place.No more heavy stacks of endless forms to fill out. With online enrollment for health and voluntary options in  one place, enrollment is fast and easy, and well documented without all the clutter and paper forms. This technology keeps enrollment smooth and documentation easy to maintain.
To learn more about Benefit Credits and how you can make Benefit Credits your employee benefits system, contact Andy Murray today, or fill out a form to receive a Benefit Credits Proposal at
Andy MurrayÂ
Health Exchange Consultant
[email protected]
National:Â (888) 204-9058 x 2107
Direct:Â (608) 314-2107